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Benefits of Regular Drain Cleaning
Benefits of Regular Drain Cleaning
Benefits of Regular Drain Cleaning
October 14,2022

Benefits of Regular Drain Cleaning

Many homeowners have a long maintenance list to improve the quality and function of their homes. Whether taking a shower or washing dirty dishes, we all appreciate when the wastewater drains fast. However, the drains don’t make it to the list; when they do, it’s usually because of a problem. Many things go down your drains, like hair, soap, food waste, shampoo, and grease, accumulating in your pipes and forming a clog.
If you detect slow or completely blocked drains, it may be time to hire a drain cleaning service. Americana Plumbing leverages innovative equipment, guaranteeing quality hydro-jetting services. While drain cleaners offer a fast alternative, some contain corrosive substances that can damage your lines. Here are the benefits of hiring a professional drain cleaning company.

More Efficient Drainage

There’s nothing more frustrating than stagnant water as you take a shower or a flooded sink full of dirty dishes. We use modern strategies and innovative technology to ensure all the buildup in your drainage system is cleared. The most noticeable benefit of drain cleaning is that they will drain faster than before. Scheduling routine drain cleaning keeps your drains in optimal condition, preventing backflow, especially in the toilet.

Improve Drain Life & Prevent Leaks

Not every drain cleaner you pick off the shelf is suitable for your drains. Some contain corrosive chemicals that damage the inner side of your pipes, making them more susceptible to leaks and breaks. Having your drains cleaned regularly by a professional technician extends the life of your drainage pipe, preventing costly repairs and replacements. Even if you use drain cleaners from the local store, have a trusted plumber conduct maintenance checks to avoid plumbing emergencies.

Prevent Foul Odors

Most homeowners usually associate foul odors with the toilet, which is not always the case. Failure to clean your drains leads to waste buildup, which attracts bacteria and mold. Mold spores thrive in damp environments, making your gutters the ideal place to be. The bacteria speed up the decay process, producing foul smells that fill your indoor space. If you are constantly battling foul odors with various scented products without success, it may be time to consider drain cleaning. A regular flow of water is not enough to clean your drains, but a plumber has the equipment to ensure your drains are in optimal condition.

Prevent Damage to Your Home

A poorly maintained drain poses more danger to your home than you think. When wastewater doesn’t drain, it backs up into your home and may even flood an entire room. The unsanitary water not only causes health complications but seeps through your flooring, ceiling, and drywall. When dealing with water ingress, time is of the essence. The longer you delay water removal and restoration, the more severe the damage to your home’s foundation.
Schedule regular inspections with a trusted drain cleaning company to ensure your plumbing is in top-notch condition. Contact us at Americana Plumbing, and consult our experienced team of professionals on ways to improve drain function and efficiency. We provide exceptional drain maintenance at competitive rates.

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